Real life update and our upcoming content schedule
Did Nothing Wrong content may be lighter than usual for the next couple weeks. Here's why.
Hey everyone, it’s Jay here at Did Nothing Wrong with a quick life update.
My wife is due to give birth to our third child next week! With a five-year-old, a two-year-old and a newborn on the way, you can imagine it could get a bit chaotic here. So, content from us for the next week or two may be lighter than usual. Hopefully everything goes smoothly next week! Pray for us or keep us in your thoughts please! I don’t plan on taking too much time off, but I wanted to give everyone advance notice just in case! Changes to the schedule should be temporary, and I’d like to be back to the normal schedule within a couple weeks.
I also wanted to tell you that for now, we’re keeping all of our content here free. We believe it’s the best way to grow our platform for now. I hope those of you who have chosen to support us financially understand how much we appreciate you and this doesn’t affect your decision to continue doing so. We’re still figuring this out as we go, so thank you for being patient with us as we learn what works and what doesn’t. Your feedback is always appreciated, so please do email us at anytime.
By now, you may have seen the article I published today. Tomorrow morning, Griff and I have a podcast episode scheduled to go out. Once we’re back to our normal schedule, we plan on releasing a podcast episode every Thursday morning with an additional episode each week and two articles per week. I’d like to at least get one podcast episode out next Thursday (December 1st), but we’ll see what life has in store!
Thanks again to everyone who’s reading and listening. We appreciate you!
Congratulations 🎉
Wishing you all the very very best.
Wishing you, and your family, nothing but the best! It's the only kind of chaos that is acceptable. You will clearly be otherwise occupied 💙