Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Griff Sombke

Having Jay and Griff articulate how it is possible to not fully commit to either sides in this horrendously complex conflict was very welcome. I learnt a lot. Thanks, fellers.

This is never going to happen, but I wonder what the results of a poll of leftist Hamas supporters in the States and Europe would be if they were asked whether they approved of Hamas's jihadist, theocratic, anti-feminist, anti-LGBTQ+ positions etc? A lot of special pleading I'd guess. Much the same as the overwhelming support for the war by Israelis who oppose Netanyahu.

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The Palestinian people deserve human rights. Regardless of whether or not their leaders support human rights for others. You can't support human rights for some but not for others.

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Absolutely. You put it far more clearly than I did. I'm glad we agree there's a big difference between supporting Palestinians and supporting Hamas.

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Then our disagreement is as to whether leftists are supporting the Palestinian people, as the evidence shows, or supporting hamas, which so far appears to be a right wing and/or Zionist talking point.

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My argument is with the people who march and protest in support of Hamas. Some on the left do that, others do not. It's not a monolithic block. If you're on the left and chant pro-Hamas slogans and wave pro-Hamas placards then you are supporting jihadists. You can see that with your own eyes on marches. I have. That does not make me a right winger or pro-Zionist, and shame on you for implying that.

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where have there been pro Hamas marches?

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It feels like you're just trolling now. You know perfectly well I'm not saying that. I have been on two marches in opposition to Israel's assault on Gaza where some people were chanting in support of Hamas. Why do you pretend this hasn't happened? It gets you nowhere.

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